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Want to Enjoy your Activities? Improve your Balance!

Advanced Balance Exercises

After a long winter it’s time to spring into action! Often during the winter months we tend to hibernate and move less. We don’t realize that our more sedentary winter routine can slowly impact our balance. You might not notice now but when you start returning to sports and activities you may notice subtle changes in your strength and balance.

Start today with just a few minutes a day! You will be surprised after doing regular balance exercises how much you can improve your strength and balance. Be consistent and diligent:) You will notice a difference in just a few short weeks!

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2 Join the Conversation

  1. kedar Brown says
    Apr 17, 2019 at 2:07 AM

    Hi Dr. Francine. This is Kedar. I forgot you moved to your own location. Good stuff. Listen, if the Doctor of Chiropractic doesn't work out then y'all should get into interior design. That's a killer kitchen!😁 Talk soon.

    • says
      Apr 17, 2019 at 7:29 AM

      Hi Kendar! So nice to hear from you:) glad to see you watched the video. All the best to you and your family!

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